Meet the maker: Marimekko textile printing factory, Helsinki

…The location enables close and inspiring collaboration between the design and product development and printing factory professionals. The printing factory produces over a million meters of printed fabric annually including…

Meet the maker: NEWTEX, China

Have you ever wondered who made your clothes? The annual Fashion Revolution campaign wants to shed light on the makers behind garments and promote a more sustainable fashion industry. On…

Meet the maker: Rožė, Lithuania

Have you ever wondered who made your clothes? The annual Fashion Revolution campaign wants to shed light on the makers behind garments and promote a more sustainable fashion industry. On…

Meet the maker: TMG Group, Portugal

Have you ever wondered who made your clothes? The annual Fashion Revolution campaign wants to shed light on the makers behind garments and promote a more sustainable fashion industry. On…

Terms of use

…easy accessibility Marimekko may include links to sites on the Internet that are owned or operated by third parties. By linking to such third-party site, you shall review and agree…

A visit to Estonia with Marimekko buyer

…relationship with the contract manufacturers. Communication is mainly by email and phone, but on-site visits are invaluable in solving production challenges and, above all, provide an opportunity to discuss any…