Frequently Asked Questions

What does sustainability mean to Marimekko?

At Marimekko, sustainability means fairness to both people and the environment in everything we do. This means, for example, reducing the climate intensity of our operations. For example, we have reduced the carbon footprint of our own operations significantly from 2019 and we aim to reduce the climate impact of the textile materials we source. This means, for example, using more organic and recycled materials. In addition, we have set science-based targets for our greenhouse gas emissions for our own operations and in the value chain. 

We treat people fairly and we strive to create products that bring joy for a long time while we minimize the environmental impacts. Sustainability is part of our everyday work and business development. You can read our newest sustainability report here.  

Where are Marimekko products manufactured?

A large part of Marimekko products is manufactured in the European Union (44% in 2024). High-quality craftsmanship and manufacturing expertise is found all over the world, and Marimekko’s sourcing approach is always to find the most suitable and competent manufacturer for each product. Regardless of where they are made, contract manufacturers are committed to Marimekko’s high quality and durability standards and respect for human rights. Procurement decisions are made on a collection-by-collection basis, with the aim of establishing long-term partnerships. Read more about the origin of products.

Why aren’t all Marimekko products manufactured in Finland?

Marimekko’s product range is very wide and, and all the required production capacity, special machinery, manufacturing skills, materials and supplies cannot be found in Finland. Marimekko’s design and product development are done in Finland and 44% of Marimekko products in 2024 were manufactured in the European Union, but high-quality workmanship and manufacturing know-how exist also in different parts of the world. As a global company we have a global manufacturing network and we aim at finding the most suitable manufacturer for each product. Regardless of where the products are made, all contract manufacturers must commit to Marimekko’s quality and responsibility standards, and respecting human rights.

How are Marimekko products priced?

We aim at pricing our products so that as many consumers as possible have the possibility to buy them, without compromising on quality. For Marimekko and its customers, material choices, quality and design are the most important considerations and therefore they also guide our sourcing. Product pricing is affected by many things such as the design, materials and supplies, technical details, manufacturing location and production volumes.

Who manufactures Marimekko products? 

Marimekko’s interior fabrics, kitchen textiles, as well as many of the fabrics used in our garments and bags, are printed in Marimekko’s own textile printing factory in Helsinki. In addition, products are manufactured by suppliers in Finland and abroad, for example in the Baltic countries, Portugal, China and Thailand. We strive for long-term partnerships with suppliers and our goal for sourcing is to find the most competent manufacturer for each product taking into account sustainability aspects such as environmental practices, working conditions and safety practices. In addition, production volumes, delivery times and production costs have an impact on sourcing. Good and competent suppliers play a key role in Marimekko’s competitiveness.

Find the list of Marimekko’s suppliers. To increase transparency, all of Marimekko products have been labeled with the country of origin since 2006.

How does Marimekko monitor the manufacturing conditions of its products?

Our aim is to always manufacture our products in the best place for each product category. We choose our suppliers carefully, paying particular attention not only to commercial conditions but also, among other things, to working conditions, safety issues, and wages. Marimekko’s sourcing is guided by the principles of sustainable sourcing and the Supplier Code of Conduct. This means, for example, a commitment to a safe working environment, reasonable working hours and fair pay. Suppliers are also committed to prohibition of harassment and discrimination, child and forced labour, bribery and corruption. Communication between Marimekko and its suppliers is on-going, for example through regular factory visits by Marimekko personnel. 

We are also part of the European amfori BSCI initiative, which aims to promote the monitoring of working conditions and improve working conditions in global supply chains. This means that external experts regularly carry out audits at Marimekko’s suppliers, in particular in risk countries, and monitor the implementation of our Code of Conduct. Purchasing agreements with suppliers bind the supplier to comply with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions and the BSCI Code of Conduct.

You can read more about Marimekko’s responsible sourcing here.

Where does the cotton used in Marimekko products originate?

The cotton we use comes from all over the world. We do not source cotton materials from certain very high-risk areas or countries. You can learn more about our operational principles from our Sustainability Policy.

As part of the implementation of our material strategy, we are committed to phasing out the use of conventional cotton. In 2024, only 2% of the cotton purchased by Marimekko was conventional cotton (5). 52% was organic cotton (29), 40% was Better Cotton (57) and 6% was recycled cotton (9). We ask our suppliers annually to provide us with information on the origin of the cotton materials they source for us.

How does Marimekko ensure that cotton used in its products is produced in fair working conditions?

Marimekko’s sourcing follows the principles of sustainable sourcing. All our suppliers must commit to Marimekko’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which prohibits forced labor and child labor, and requires reasonable working hours and a safe working environment. In addition, we do not source materials, especially cotton, from certain very high-risk countries. 

The cotton production chain is long, complex and challenging to trace, with raw cotton fibers often collected from different regions and countries and blended before spinning into yarn to ensure consistent quality. Marimekko is a small player in the international market for cotton products, and as Marimekko does not work directly with cotton farmers, we aim to contribute to the development of the sector together with others.

As part of the implementation of our material strategy, we are committed to phasing out the use of conventional cotton. In 2024, only 2% of the cotton purchased by Marimekko was conventional cotton (5). 52% was organic cotton (29), 40% was Better Cotton (57) and 6% was recycled cotton (9). We ask our suppliers annually to provide us with information on the origin of the cotton materials they source for us.

In 2013, we were the first Finnish company to join the international Better Cotton initiative, which aims to help cotton communities survive and thrive while protecting and restoring the environment. You can read more about the initiative at

Which kind of materials does Marimekko offer to its customers?

We continuously strive to increase the use of lower-emission recycled materials, organic materials, materials from regenerative farming as well as bio-based and innovative materials. In 2024, the share of recycled materials remained nearly at the previous year’s level, being 20 percent (21), the share of organic materials and materials from regenerative farming increased to 39 percent (20), and the share of new innovative materials remained at 0 percent (0) of all sourced textile materials. The share of conventional enhanced materials was 36 percent of all purchased textile materials. Conventional enhanced materials include, among others, Better Cotton as well as certified wool and down.

The majority of materials printed at our Helsinki printing factory are certified in accordance with the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®, which guarantees that they do not contain harmful chemicals for people or for environment.