Marimekko intends to focus on scaling the Marimekko business and growth especially in international markets during the strategy period of 2023–2027.

Share and share capital

…agreeing on the company’s ownership or the use of voting rights. Dividend policy Marimekko aims to pay a regular dividend every year. The dividends to be paid and their amount…

Sustainability strategy

…value chain. We are committed, for example, to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and water use from the textile materials that we purchase as well as the greenhouse gas emissions…

Fiber-to-fiber recycling through collaboration

…materials. We are proud that almost 100% of the waste generated at our factory and headquarters is repurposed for energy production or as recycled material for various uses. However, it…

Management of the Group

…Group has no authority based on law or the Articles of Association. The Management Group reviews business matters and procedures affecting the entire Group. The Management Group also reviews the